Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Year, New Title, New Me.

It's been so long since I've not updated my blog. I did have a lot of ideas for my blog, yet because of my busy schedule, I tend to forget what I wanted to write.

Well, to start all over again (and since it will be new year 2011 in a couple of days), I decided to eventually change the title of my blog from "Simple Life" to "My Random Life" (and now I think I wanted it to be "The Random Me.")
I don't think "Simple Life" suites me because I'm an idealistic person. I've always wanted to achieve many things--SUCCESS is what I aim for--which I don't think describes the term "simple." And besides, most of my blogs are of random topics.

And if you will notice under the title, it says "Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win" by Bernadette Devlin. It is one of my favorite mottoes because it inspires me a lot to be stronger and get a grip to whatever circumstances that I'm facing, the fact that I'm reaching the stage of adulthood.

And just a couple of minutes ago, after changing my title to "My Random Life," I suddenly realize that it's not my life that is random. It is actually me, so after publishing this post, I'll be updating the title of my blog again to "The Random Me." And now I have the perfect and most suitable title for my blog. (See how random my mind could be? LOL!)

So you'll be expecting more random stuffs from me. (^_^)d

And before I forget, I want to greet everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year!!!

Para el mundo hispano, yo también quiero saludar a una Feliz Navidad y un Feliz Año Nuevo!

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